Be on guard against these crafty schemes by hackers

In the face of a continuous rise in malicious cyberattacks, businesses remain vulnerable to the ever-evolving tactics of social engineering. Unlike malware, which infects systems through malicious code, social engineering relies on manipulating individuals into divulging sensitive information.

Top Cybersecurity Tips

October was Cybersecurity Awareness Month and these are some of the great tips we found to help to keep you safer when operating online.

Here they are:

Tip 1: Use strong passwords that mix 1etters, num3ers & $ymbols, spaces & random phrases, at least 12 characters

- 24 billion passwords were exposed by hackers in 2022
- More than 80% of breaches relate to stolen, lost or reused passwords

Tip 2: Check for updates regularly to patch security flaws amd fix crashes & bugs

Tip 3: Enable MFA (Multi-factor Authentication)

-Microsoft says 99.9% of password based threats can be prevented with MFA

Tip 4: Don't use public Wi-Fi - this can leave your personal information vulnerable

Tip 5: Implement an incident response plan to mitigate damage in the event of a breach

Tip 6: Safeguard your online presence, regularly review privacy settings.

The importance of IT security audits for businesses

With the increasing number of cyberthreats and attacks these days, it is essential for companies to take proactive measures to protect their sensitive data and information. One such measure is conducting regular IT security audits. In the following sections, we will discuss how IT security audits can boost your cybersecurity and help protect your business from cyberthreats.

5 Common ways SMBs’ systems can be breached

Cybersecurity is a never-ending challenge, but there are steps you can take to keep your IT defenses strong and effective. One of these steps is to increase your knowledge of security threats. Here are five common ways that your business systems can be infiltrated.

Unveiling the invisible threat: Exploring the world of fileless malware

With its ability to evade traditional antivirus solutions, fileless malware poses a significant challenge to organizations and individuals alike, as it can cause severe damage without leaving any traces behind. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of fileless malware, explore how it works, and discuss effective strategies to protect against this invisible threat.

Don’t end up like these poor phish

A report released in May this year has found that though spear phishing emails only account for 0.1% of email based attacks, they are responsible for two-thirds of all breaches. Conducting extensive research by analysing 50 billion emails from 3.5 million mailboxes across 1350 organisations, which included about 30 million spear-phishing emails, half of these organisations had succumbed to a spear-phishing attack in 2022.

Of those who experienced a breach due to a spear phishing attack 55% had machines infected with malware or viruses and about half had sensitive data or login details stolen.

Forewarned is Forearmed – A hacker who’s who

In the dangerous landscape we navigate on the digital frontier, the more we know about our enemies, the better. Let’s go behind the lines (of code) to learn more!

‘Hacker’ – this word conjures up images of mean looking characters lurking over keyboards, leering at multiple code-laden screens and wreaking havoc on the internet.